About Procedural Programming

Procedural Programming is a term that computer programmers used to writes a programme. This method is used to develop software and applications using codes.
C++ is a Programming Language which excellent in general purpose Programming and it is a powerful system Programming Language. This is one of the most popular language primarily utilized with system and application Software, Drivers, Client server applications and embedded firmware. The main highlight of C++ is a collection of predefined classes which are data types that can be instantiated multiple times. 
Simple- This Language is a simple language because every program can be written   in simple English language so it is easy to understand and developed by Programmer. 
Powerful- C++ is very powerful programming language, it has wide variety of data types, functions, control structures, decision making statements also operators for mathematical and Boolean comparison.
Object oriented Programming Language-  This is the main Advantage of this programming language. It follows concept of oops like polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction.
Case sensitive- C++ is a case sensitive programming language. If any language treats lower case latter separately and upper case latter separately than they can be called as case sensitive programming language. Also C, C++, Java and .NET are some examples sensitive Languages.
Platform dependent –  The program which can be executed in the same operating system which was developed and compiled but cannot be run and executed on other operating system is platform depended language.
Procedural Programming is a term that computer programmers used to writes a programme. This method is used to develop software and applications using codes. 
C++ is a Programming Language which excellent in general purpose Programming and it is a powerful system Programming Language. This is one of the most popular language primarily utilized with system and application Software, Drivers, Client server applications and embedded firmware. The main highlight of C++ is a collection of predefined classes which are data types that can be instantiated multiple times.
Simple- This Language is a simple language because every program can be written   in simple English language so it is easy to understand and developed by Programmer. 
Powerful- C++ is very powerful programming language, it has wide variety of data types, functions, control structures, decision making statements also operators for mathematical and Boolean comparison.
Object oriented Programming Language-  This is the main Advantage of this programming language. It follows concept of oops like polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction.
Case sensitive- C++ is a case sensitive programming language. If any language treats lower case latter separately and upper case latter separately than they can be called as case sensitive programming language. Also C, C++, Java and .NET are some examples sensitive Languages.
Platform dependent –  The program which can be executed in the same operating system which was developed and compiled but cannot be run and executed on other operating system is platform depended language.
Portability- Carrying the instruction from one system to another system is known as portability. In C++ language .cpp file can be connected into .exe file, but we can only execute this file. When we write and compile any C++ program on operating system that program easily run on other window based system. When we can copy .exe file to any other computer which contain window operating system then it works properly, because the native code of application of application an operating system is same. 

Efficient use of pointers – Pointers is a variable which hold the address of another variable, pointer directly direct access to memory address of any variable due to this performance of application is improve. C++ also is a programming language with the concept pointer are available.
Syntax based Language-  C++ is a strongly tight syntax based programming language which follow rules and regulations very strictly.  C, C++, Java, .net, etc. are some examples for syntax based Programming language.
Compiler based- This means without compilation no C++ program can be executed. First we need compiler to compile our program and then execute.
Variables, Identifiers, Functions/Procedure, Arrays and Control Structures are the Data types which available is Programming Language.
Variables- A variable is a value that can change, depending on conditions or on information passed to the program. (Rouse, 2017) This is known as the space reserved in a memory to save data temporarily. It contains name (identifier) to hold data temporally.
In C++ variables are created using range of different data types. They are ‘char’, ‘int’, ‘float’, ‘string’ and ‘bool’. These different data types may allocate different amount of memory spaces.
·         Char-These type of data types contain a single core
       e.g.: ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’
·         Int- These type of data types contain whole numbers.
       e.g.: ‘0’, ‘-5’, ‘10’
·         Float- These type of data types contain fractional value. (A numerical quantity that is not a whole number)
        e.g.: ‘-2.8’, ‘0.78’, ‘4.56’
·         String- These type of data types contain a text
       e.g.: ‘Student’, ‘Lecturer’, ‘Subject’
·         Bool- Bool is a data type which is ‘TURE/FALSE’ concept.
       e.g.: 0/1
       Variable scope
     There are two types of variable scopes which are Local variable and Global     Variable.
           o   Local Variable- Local variable define the inside function of a program. It is available for the function it is defined.
           o   Global Variable- Global variable can be known as a variable created out of all the functions. This variable is accessible by all the functions.

v  Identifiers-  Alphabetical char (A-Z), numbers (1,2,3,4) and underscore (_) are the only data types which can contain as Identifiers. When coding in C++ I should start with Alphabetical identifier or underscore. It not permitted to code a special symbols or white spaces as identifiers. Also, it cannot use special words as Keywords or reserved words. The examples for identifiers are given below.
e.g.: xyz, ab5, _25, A_B

v  Functions/Procedure-A function is a sub program. It is a sub program with its own statements. Functions are modulating a program into sub components. It contains a reusable set of statements that performs in a specific activity. In coding a function should be call to be executed. The two types of sub programme are function (which returns a reply) and procedure (which has no return or a reply).
v  Array- Array is a series of elements of the same type placed in contiguous memory locations that can be individually referenced by adding an index to a unique identifier.
e.g.: string id [25]
        string name [25]
        string address [25]
        string phone [25]
v  Control Structures- Sequence, Selections, Loop/Repetition are the three types of control structures.
§  Sequence- Where are set of statements executes one after the other orderly can be known as sequence.
§  Selection- It is a statement or a block statement execute depending on a condition. If/else, switch-case are the coding which are using in programming as s selection.
e.g.: Say “hi”
            if its morning
             say “good morning”
            say “good evening”
The flow chart of this example is given below.
§  Repetition- Where a statement or a block of statements getting executed repeatedly control by a condition. An infinity loop, is a repetition where it never reached this topping condition. So it continues continuously. For loop, while, do while are the data types using for repetition.
e.g.: Start
      while x<5
            print “abc”
A flow chart is s diagram of the sequence of movements or actions of people or thing involved in a complex system. Also, it can be known as a graphical or symbolic representation of a process. Each in the sequence is noted with a diagram shape. 



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