Generations of Computers

Generations of Computers

There are five major generations in classification of computers. 
  • First Generation Computers
  • Second Generation Computers
  • Third Generation Computers
  • Fourth Generation Computers
Generations of Computers

First Generation Computers (1946-1959)

The first computer system used Vacuum Tubes. This computer system is enormous which means it taking up entire room. Vacuum Tubes used for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory. First generation computers relied on machine Language. It is the lowest programming language understood by computers. UNIVAC and ENIAC are some example for first generation computers. 
First Generation Computers
Vacuum Tubes

Second Generation Computers (1956-1963)

The second generation computer system is Transistor. Transistor was invented at Bell Labs in 1947.But it did not used in computers until 1950's. This allows the computers to become cheaper, smaller, more energy efficient as well as faster. This is more reliable than First generation computers. High level programming languages are started to develop at this time. COBOL and FORTRAN are some examples of High level programming languages which has been developed in this time.

Third Generation Computers (1964-1971)

In place of transistors, computers of third generation used integrated circuits. This was invented by Jack Kilby. The development of third generation computers made reliable, efficient and smaller in size. High-level languages are used in this generation. FORTRAN-II TO IV, COBOL, PASCAL PL/1, BASIC, ALGOL-68 etc are some languages which are used in this generation. 
Third Generation Computer

Fourth Generation Computers (1971 to Present)

This was developed using Microprocessor. The first microprocessor chip was developed in 1971 which is Intel 4004 chip. This chip contains millions of transistors. LSI and VLSI are the technologies which has used to develop this microprocessor chip.
Intel 4004 Microprocessor

Fifth Generation Computers

Fifth generation computer devices are based on AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology. These are still in development. Some used today such as voice recognition. These computers are developing using natural language. 


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